Tuesday, 18 June 2013


This movie, Drew Barrymore's directorial debut, is a messy jumble of old parts: sulky teen, high school troubles, first boyfriend - but its disorganisation and lack of coherence is its charm. The story of small-town outcast Bliss (Ellen Page), who stumbles on a roller derby league, is told with a meandering self-mocking quirkiness and thoughtfulness. It doesn't pretend to carry any life-changing message of self-acceptance, and it doesn't, but it does gently give a sweet and humorous portrayal of being a teenager.

Ellen Page, who seems to have mastered being totally charming just by being her weird and wonderful self, is twinklingly original, her eccentricity brought into focus by a wonderful supporting cast, including Kristen Wiig, Alia Shawkat, Juliette Lewis and Drew Barrymore herself, who effortlessly fill the gaps in the script with their own charisma.

By no means perfect, the film seems to skate over clichés just through the bright likeability of its cast. It finishes as abruptly as it began, little resolved, but leaving you glad you indulged in this odd micro-universe of skates and food fights and 'Smashley Simpsons' Barrymore threw you into.

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